• Some people are at war with the ambiguous - I am at war with the obvious.

    Let the gaps be filled for you if you want, but never forget to fill yours from time to time.
    Read them from above, or underneath, never as the truth no one owns.
    To investigate what they might mean shouldn't necessarily erase what you see, for yourself.

    I don't have any answer, I am being asked to formulate precise questions and their sisters,
    answer them as an engaged one.

    I am not. I murmur, I don't shout. I think, I see, I am discret, I don't walk making noise.

    I spread ink silently, that's how I work.

    How could I not fail ?



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  • We are millions watching the city at night through the window, in our warm and closed intimate space, we all feel the fresh loneliness - inside/outside.
    We are all alone alltogether, watching each other without seeing anyone, from highness or lying on the ground, the floor itself. The macadam floor.

    The beautiful concrete dress The City wears at night, with its sodium lamps jewellery, illuminating the rough tissue wrapped around it with large orange dashes, yellow punctums, dashes of green above the empty lanes. Everybody at this minute is glancing outside, nobody sees anyone looking back. Watery colours spreading on the walls, inside homes.
    I wonder what night allows.
    If city is a "she" or a "he".
    I wonder why it is so different. Why and not how.
    J'ai decidé que 29 ans, c'est bien. 30 ça devient ridicule, avant c'est peut-être gâcher des chances.
    29; la veille de 30, c'est parfait.

    1 commentaire
  • two new words that could only be English  :

     (I am) WISHY-WASHY (thank you Salam Pax)


    NAMBY-PAMBY (thank you Thesaurus)
    (story of this last one here)



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  • En descendant East Street, j'ai vu deux photos. J'avais pas d'appareil et les mains pleine d'Asda. Asda et son vert tape a l'oeil, l'embleme de plus au bas de la liste, hyperreality. Pas d'appareil photo, still.

    C'était dans une vitrine, un gamin d'environ 10 12 ans, costard chemise cravate. Je suis dehors il est dedans, avec 5 ordis alignés. Free Internet Access. La parfaite replique d'un adulte. Tout était parfait. Sans juger, avec humour et légèreté. Il ne m'a même pas vu.
    L'autre, c'était une boutique de piercing, option éclairage au néon, grand, bright, murs blancs et parquet lisse. Tout est trop,propre. Une fille, bandana jean slim noir, a girl version emo en grand et en plus jolie, vérifie les vitrines de bijoux et un enfant en bas âge qui joue avec rien, à terre, au milieu du magasin.
    Non rien.


    "If I was a photographer (...) I guess I'd make a mistake

    I'd probably take a ...
    picture of you".

    ( cat power lyrics )


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  • Last British Contemporary Colonialism proof on my French brain :

    I eat crisps from time to time.

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